Mystic Dee

Like many people, I began to search for answers to the deep questions of life, and the meaning of existence. I sought out answers to “Who am I,” “Why am I here,” and “What was I sent to do?” The answer I found, and continue to find, can be summed up in 2 words: LOVE and LIGHT. There is love in everything and everyone, and each of us is here to share that love with the world. I am a spiritual healer and intuitive who has been using my healing gifts to help others.

5 Super Easy Grounding Techniques: Keep Calm and Stay Grounded

Grounding is a practice that helps you connect with the earth energy and keeps you calm and centered at all times. Grounding can be done anytime, anywhere and by anyone whenever needed. What are Grounding Techniques? Grounding Techniques are specific techniques that help you focus your attention on the present moment and bring a sense

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5 Best Crystals to Raise your Vibrations

Everything in the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency. Every word, action, and thought has a vibration and different frequency, which is constantly manifesting. Every matter in the universe has its own unique vibrational frequency. Those who vibrate at a higher frequency radiate kindness, love, peace, and compassion, whereas those with lower vibrations display negative

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10 Easy Habits to Raise Vibrations: Uplift your Mind, Body, and Soul

What is Vibrational Frequency? The Law of Vibration states that in the Universe energy is continuously moving, vibrating, and shifting.  This movement or vibration happens at a vibrational frequency. If these vibrations are of low frequency, they’re vibrating slow and if they’re high they’re vibrating fast.  Everything in the Universe vibrates at a certain frequency.

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5 Best Crystals for Protection from Negative Energy: Keep Bad Vibes at Bay

The use of crystals for protection has been around for thousands of years. Roman warriors carried haematite in the battle for physical protection. Before entering battle, crushed haematite was usually rubbed on soldier’s bodies with the idea it made them invincible.  The Ancient Egyptians used stones primarily for protection and health and ancient royal tombs

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