Mystic Dee

Like many people, I began to search for answers to the deep questions of life, and the meaning of existence. I sought out answers to “Who am I,” “Why am I here,” and “What was I sent to do?” The answer I found, and continue to find, can be summed up in 2 words: LOVE and LIGHT. There is love in everything and everyone, and each of us is here to share that love with the world. I am a spiritual healer and intuitive who has been using my healing gifts to help others.

Using Moldavite in Rituals

Using Moldavite in Rituals: Ceremonies for Transformation and Abundance

Since ancient times, rituals have held immense power. They are sacred acts combining intention, symbolism, and often energetic tools like crystals to create shifts in our inner and outer worlds. I’ve discovered that Moldavite, with its transformative energy, makes a potent addition to these ceremonies. Let’s dive in! Why Moldavite for Rituals? Here’s a closer […]

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Manifesting with Moldavite Setting Intentions and Accelerating Goals

Manifesting with Moldavite: Setting Intentions and Accelerating Goals

Imagine Moldavite as the spark plug for your soul’s greatest ambitions. It’s a powerful tool known to accelerate change and illuminate the path toward what you truly desire. I’ve felt firsthand how this tektite can shake things up in ways that align beautifully with hidden dreams. Let’s explore how to harness this transformative power for

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The Power of Healing Gemstones for Addiction Relief

The Power of Healing Gemstones for Addiction Relief

Addiction can have a powerful grip on one’s life, making the journey to recovery an arduous and challenging process. However, in recent years, there has been a growing interest in holistic approaches to addiction relief, with a particular focus on the power of healing gemstones. These natural minerals are believed to hold unique properties that

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Real or Fake? How to Spot Authentic Moldavite

Real or Fake? How to Spot Authentic Moldavite

The Moldavite Marketplace: Wonders and Deceptions Imagine venturing into a bustling marketplace filled with treasures. That’s the realm of Moldavite, where genuine otherworldly gems mingle alongside convincing counterfeits. Having held both the real deal and its imitations, I know the telltale signs to look for. After all, when working with such a powerful stone, authenticity

Real or Fake? How to Spot Authentic Moldavite Read More »

Fact vs. Fiction: Debunking Myths about Moldavite

With its otherworldly origins and powerful transformative energy, Moldavite is a crystal that invites both fascination and misinformation. It’s like a cosmic gzame of telephone, where somewhere along the way, truths get embellished, and misconceptions sprout. I’ve certainly encountered my fair share of Moldavite myths over the years. Let’s separate the facts from the fiction

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Is Moldavite Right for Me? Understanding its Intensity

Moldavite: The Cosmic Catalyst Imagine finding a shard of fallen starlight, a crystal imbued with an energy unlike anything you’ve encountered. That’s the allure of Moldavite, a rare and enigmatic tektite born from a meteorite impact. It’s a stone whispered about in mystical circles, famed for its transformative power. But with that power comes intensity

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Grounding Techniques for Working with High-Vibration Stones like Moldavite

Grounding Techniques for Working with High-Vibration Stones like Moldavite

High-vibration crystals like Moldavite, with their potent energy, are incredible tools for transformation. I’ll never forget my first experience with Moldavite – I swore I felt my whole aura expanding! They can accelerate spiritual growth, open your heart, and nudge you onto paths you never imagined. However, this jolt of energy can sometimes feel overwhelming,

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Shadow Work with Moldavite: Healing the Hidden Self

Shadow Work with Moldavite: Healing the Hidden Self

Think of your ‘shadow’ as the parts of yourself you subconsciously hide – the fears, insecurities, unprocessed pain, or even unexpressed talents. These reside below the surface, often influencing our behaviors without us being fully aware. While ‘shadow’ might sound intimidating, this work is less about fighting darkness, and more about integration – a path

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The Moldavite Flush: Embracing Change and Personal Breakthroughs

The day I welcomed a piece of Moldavite into my collection, I had no idea the whirlwind of transformation that awaited. Like a cosmic messenger entering my sphere, this forest-green tektite held a unique allure. Having worked in the world of crystal healing for over a decade, I was no stranger to powerful stones, but

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