Mystic Dee

Like many people, I began to search for answers to the deep questions of life, and the meaning of existence. I sought out answers to “Who am I,” “Why am I here,” and “What was I sent to do?” The answer I found, and continue to find, can be summed up in 2 words: LOVE and LIGHT. There is love in everything and everyone, and each of us is here to share that love with the world. I am a spiritual healer and intuitive who has been using my healing gifts to help others.

Overcoming Energetic Blocks with Moldavite: A Cleansing Guide

Within each of us lies a vibrant flow of energy that animates our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. However, life’s stresses, traumas, and limiting beliefs can create energetic blockages that hinder our potential. Moldavite, the enigmatic green tektite, is a supreme ally in removing these blockages, promoting a flow of positive energy, and ultimately catalyzing […]

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Moldavite Dreams: Understanding Their Meaning and Significance

Moldavite, the enigmatic green tektite, holds a potent power to transform not only our waking lives but also our dream states. Its cosmic origins and connection to higher realms often trigger intense, profound, and sometimes even prophetic dreams. Having personally experienced a shift in my dream recall and intensity since welcoming Moldavite into my life,

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Channeling with Moldavite: Techniques for Psychic Development

Channeling with Moldavite: Techniques for Psychic Development

Moldavite, a rare and otherworldly tektite, is a stone of transformation. Its cosmic origins and potent vibrational energy make it a highly prized tool for spiritual awakening and psychic development. As I have delved deeper into my crystal journey, Moldavite’s impact on my intuitive abilities has been undeniable. In this article, I’ll share: My personal

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Crystal Combinations Pairing Moldavite for Maximum Impact

Crystal Combinations: Pairing Moldavite for Maximum Impact

Moldavite, with its otherworldly origins and potent energy, is a force of transformation. It can accelerate personal growth, ignite spiritual awakening, and open the heart like no other crystal. However, Moldavite’s intensity can sometimes be overwhelming. By thoughtfully pairing Moldavite with other crystals, we can both amplify its transformative power and create a more supportive,

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Beyond Moldavite: Discover Other High-Vibration Crystals for Transformation

Beyond Moldavite: Discover Other High-Vibration Crystals for Transformation

Moldavite, with its extraterrestrial beauty and profound heart-opening properties, forever changed my relationship with the crystal world. But this cosmic stone is simply one guide in a vast landscape of high-vibration crystals that can catalyze growth, enhance awareness, and protect our energy. Let’s dive in! Crystals for Expanding Awareness and Intuition If you love Moldavite’s

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Moldavite and the Heart Chakra: A Deep Dive into Love and Healing

Have you ever held a piece of Moldavite? Born from a cosmic collision, this deep green tektite is unlike any other stone on Earth. Its otherworldly beauty is only surpassed by its profound ability to open, heal, and transform the heart. When I first discovered Moldavite, I was at a crossroads. Old insecurities and lingering

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Crystals for Self Confidence

Finding Your Shine: Using Crystals for Self Confidence

Do you ever feel like you’re lacking the confidence to shine in your own light? The power of crystals might be the key to unlocking your self-confidence and empowering your inner strength. Crystals have long been believed to hold special vibrations and energies that can be harnessed for personal growth and positivity. In this article,

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Crystal for the Heart

The Power of Rose Quartz: Crystal Healing for the Heart

Have you ever wondered about the power of crystals in healing emotional wounds and nurturing healthy relationships? Rose quartz, also known as the “love stone,” has long been celebrated for its ability to heal and enhance the heart chakra. Understanding the heart chakra and its significance in emotional well-being is essential in exploring the profound

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Crystals for Intuition

Crystals for Intuition: How to Use Crystals to Heighten Your Sixth Sense

Have you ever felt like there’s more to the world than what meets the eye? The concept of intuition and psychic abilities has intrigued humanity for centuries, giving rise to various practices and tools to tap into this innate sixth sense. One such tool is the use of crystals, believed to have potent energy that

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