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Unveil the Magic Within

Embark on a journey through the mystical realms of energy and crystal healing

Caring for Your Moldavite: Cleansing, Charging, and Storage

Caring for Your Moldavite: Cleansing, Charging, and Storage

Crystals, especially potent ones like Moldavite, absorb and transmute energy – our own, and from their environment. That’s why it’s important to learn how to cleanse, charge, and store them properly. Think of it as a form of energetic self-care for your cosmic companion! Why Care for Moldavite Differently? Moldavite…

Moldavite and Past Lives: Unlocking Ancient Memories

Moldavite and Past Lives: Unlocking Ancient Memories

The concept of past lives has captivated imaginations for centuries. It’s the idea that our souls don’t begin or end with this lifetime, but instead embark on numerous journeys across time and space. I’m not here to convince you this is an undeniable truth, but rather to explore how crystals…

Moldavite and Starseed Connections: Is This Your Cosmic Call Home?

Moldavite and Starseed Connections: Is This Your Cosmic Call Home?

If you’ve ever felt a strange longing for ‘home’ with the sense that it isn’t here on Earth, you might resonate with the concept of Starseeds. These are souls believed to have originated from other star systems, galaxies, or even dimensions. They often carry a deep knowing they’re here for…