Mystic Dee

Like many people, I began to search for answers to the deep questions of life, and the meaning of existence. I sought out answers to “Who am I,” “Why am I here,” and “What was I sent to do?” The answer I found, and continue to find, can be summed up in 2 words: LOVE and LIGHT. There is love in everything and everyone, and each of us is here to share that love with the world. I am a spiritual healer and intuitive who has been using my healing gifts to help others.

Crystal for Working out

Crystal for Working out: Boost Your Workout with Gemstones

Are you looking to take your workout to the next level? Have you considered harnessing the power of gemstones to enhance your fitness routine? The use of crystals in fitness and wellness has been gaining popularity as people seek holistic approaches to improve their overall well-being. From ancient civilizations to modern day, the belief in

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Crystals For Kitchen

Create a Harmonious Kitchen : Crystals For Kitchen

Crystals have been admired for their beauty and revered for their energy-healing properties. But did you know that they can also transform your kitchen into a harmonious and energetically balanced space? From dispelling stagnant energy to enhancing mental clarity and protecting your space, crystals play a powerful role in creating a positive and nurturing kitchen

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Finding Peace and Healing in the Face of Death

Sacred Crystals for Finding Peace and Healing in the Face of Death

Death and loss are inevitable parts of life, and navigating through the grieving process can be an overwhelming and challenging experience. Understanding the impact of negative energies and seeking ways to find peace and healing becomes crucial during these difficult times. One avenue that offers solace and comfort is the gentle energies of healing crystals.

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Crystals for Business Success

Unlocking Potential: Crystals for Business Success and Wealth

Did you know that crystals have been used for centuries to attract success and wealth in business? The power of crystals goes beyond their aesthetic appeal, as many believe they can help unlock potential and bring about positive change. In today’s fast-paced and competitive business world, the use of crystals for financial success has gained

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Crystals for Throat Chakra

Balancing Your Vishuddha: The Best Crystals for Throat Chakra Alignment

Are you looking to enhance your communication skills and tap into your intuition? Understanding and balancing your Throat Chakra, also known as Vishuddha, could be the key. The Throat Chakra is the energy center that governs our ability to express ourselves and communicate effectively. However, when this chakra is unbalanced, it can lead to various

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The Science Behind Crystals for Anxiety Relief

Do you ever find yourself seeking relief from the overwhelming grip of anxiety? The practice of using crystals for anxiety relief is gaining popularity as people seek natural and holistic methods to manage their mental well-being. Crystals have been used for centuries in various cultures for their purported healing properties, and the science behind their

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Finding Your Shine: Using Crystals for Self Confidence

Do you ever feel like you’re lacking the confidence to shine in your own light? The power of crystals might be the key to unlocking your self-confidence and empowering your inner strength. Crystals have long been believed to hold special vibrations and energies that can be harnessed for personal growth and positivity. In this article,

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Affirmation Letter Examples You Should Write For Your Loved Ones

Affirmations are statements written in a certain way that help you reinstate a fact you want to establish about yourself or your life by stating it in a repetitive manner by either speaking or writing it down. Positive affirmations are a highly effective tool and are even more powerful when you write your own. Affirmations

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