Positive Affirmations for Workplace

Positive Affirmations for Workplace

Positive affirmations, also known as mantras, are positive statements intended to provide encouragement and motivation to oneself and others that will help them improve themselves and their personal lives to get ahead in life. Whenever you have reassured yourself with positive self talk that you can do something before doing it, that is positive self-affirmation.

Affirmations have made their entry and have proven positive results in every area of our daily life be it home or workplace. The best thing about affirmations are, they are flexible and can be easily customised as per our requirements and we can choose or create positive affirmations that we resonate with.


What are Workplace Affirmations

Workplace Affirmations are affirmations formed keeping in mind your needs at workplace or career opportunities. These powerful affirmations provide you the much needed enthusiasm and help boost your creativity at work. Affirmations hold strong positive energy and bring numerous other benefits as listed further in this blog.


Why we need Affirmations at Work

With impending deliveries, hectic schedules, changing technologies work can get pretty stressful and demanding very quickly. To stay on top of your job and give your 100% you need to keep yourself constantly motivated and positive. Below are few reasons why workplace affirmations are needed

  • To boost your self esteem and confidence before client meetings and appraisals
  • To overcome negative mindset impacting your career progression, such as procrastination or passive-aggressive behaviour

  • To find the enthusiasm to enhance your proficiency at skills and boost your productivity

  • To motivate yourself to finish projects on deadline

  • To set high career goals and attract new opportunities to grow and excel

  • To cope with negative feelings like fear, frustration, and impatience


Benefits of Affirmations at Work

Positive Mindset

when you are in a positive frame of mind you are able to think more clearly and resolve any issues and overcome challenges quicker rather than being stuck with a problem. Positive Affirmations when repeated on a daily basis help you stay in a positive frame of mind no matter what situation comes up with affirmations handy you are well equipped to deal with it.


Improved Efficiency and Productivity

Affirmations directly work on your subconscious mind hence can make wonders in getting you out of negative mindset and increase job satisfaction. When you are confident and know your value you automatically tend to be more efficient and productive.


Improved Relationship with Coworkers

Positive Affirmations naturally put you in a positive state which can be felt by those around you and it helps people bond with you better and trust you more. Positive affirmations definitely help you build better healthier relationships with your coworkers so you can win as a team.


Reduced Stress and Anxiety

As we all know work and career brings a lot of stress and anxiety from time to time. Affirmations act as a great tool to deal with the work stress so you are able to divert your mind from negative thinking towards and more positive and progressive mindset at work.


Increased Motivation and Enthusiasm

As we already know Affirmations ring in the positivity hence also uplifting your mood and spirits which automatically increase your zeal for your work and bring motivation and enthusiasm to put in your 100% at work. 


How to use Affirmations at work

Repeat before starting any work

The more you repeat the affirmation the stronger and faster you will see the results manifesting. Writing a motivational affirmation letter to yourself before important meeting really helps you enter it with a positive and winning mindset to close any deal.


Write them in your break time

You can always utilise your break times productively by repeating or writing Affirmations. You can have ready to use Daily Affirmations for each day of week. 


Use them as notifications

Setting Work Affirmations as notifications on your phone or laptop is an awesome way to get your dose of positivity at regular intervals throughout the day.


Use them as your Laptop Wallpaper or Screensaver

There are many apps that provide motivational wallpapers with positive affirmations on them. Best would be to create customised affirmation wallpapers for your mobile to suit your current state of mind.


Use Affirmation desk calendars

Desk calendars are eye catching and great way to keep a daily work affirmation right in front of you at all times.



Workplace Affirmations

“Right now I am working at my dream job”

“My job brings me joy and satisfaction”

“I am inspired by my career goals and am passionate about what I do”

“I have achieved a great work-life balance”


Positive Mantras for Work

“I am creating work life that motivates and inspires me”

“Think Positive, and positive things will happen”

“I am worthy of all that i desire”

“I am open for learning and growing”


Positive Affirmations for CoWorkers

“I am thankful to each and every person who has contributed to my success”

“I have confidence in myself. I feel comfortable speaking in front of my coworkers”

“I work with coworkers who encourage me to succeed and grow”

“I contribute and make a difference to my colleagues and organisation”

“I have great ideas and i always share them with my co workers”


Affirmations for success at work

“I believe in myself and trust in my abilities to succeed in all i do”

“I have all the qualities in me to be successful at my job”

“My business is expanding, growing and reaching out to more people everyday”

“I am driven and ambitious to succeed”

“I am confident in my abilities to reach the pinnacle of my career”


Affirmations for Business Meetings

“I effortlessly attract sales and I effortlessly attract clients”

“I have the skills and knowledge to make the best career decisions for me”

“I look and feel great!”


Positive Affirmations for New Opportunities

“My positive mindset will attract employers and exciting new opportunities”

“I am grateful for my job and I take advantage of every opportunity that it offers.”

“I am energized to find the perfect job for me.”


Monday Affirmations for Work

“I’m energised and ready to slay the day”

“I have it within me to solve any challenges that occur today”

“I am confident. I am focused. I am unstoppable!”


Friday Affirmations for Work

“I have done a really good job this week. I further my career every day”

“This week has been amazingly productive and will bring me success and accolades to come”

“I am filled with gratitude for another week of  success”


In Conclusion

In todays competitive work environment where everyone wants to get ahead and not be left behind affirmations are just the push you need to nudge you when you take a pause or feel stuck at a place. Find ways to incorporate our wonderful positive affirmation examples and pick your favorite ones to advance your career and enjoy successful and satisfying career.

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